While here, my mother reminded me of how when I was a child, if I ate something I particularly loved, I would dance and make yummy noises, humming while I chewed. She said this right after I took a particularly delectable bite of turkey and had closed my eyes and was, yes, making yummy noises while wiggling a little. She was delighted. I was mortified. I am 43, not four.
She's right. I am still who I was when I was a child. Even if I changed my name, my appearance, my locale, some things about me would be constant. As I've been thinking about this, it gives me comfort.
I was thinking about it prior to my parent's visit when I was going through a box of old papers they had saved for years and now have given to me. It's the kind of stuff parents save - report cards, the drawings that lived on the fridge, that kind of stuff. Most of it is honestly of little value to me, but I did find my first and second grade notebooks.
In looking through them I learned this about myself:
- I have always asked questions and gone in directions teachers found distracting
- I have always had terrible handwriting (the notebooks are full of teacher's comments, asking me to write more clearly)
- and I have always had a far-too active imagination.
I am who I am. We are who we are. Popeye was onto something.
(c)2010 Laura S. Packer