I know that part of what draws me to blogging is the word-written-to-be-read. As a performing storyteller, I'm in the same room with my audience, so am accustomed to an immediate response to what I say on my audience's faces, in their sighs or laughs. As a writer, I don't get that. I began blogging because I knew there would be an audience, even if you're not in synchronous time with me and even if I don't get to see your responses. There is a chance you will respond by commenting or sending me an email. That helps me be a better writer, knowing I have an audience.
I blog to connect with you, my readers, as well as to connect with my own thoughts. I'm looking forward to connecting with others who are driven by similar needs, connecting through the written word and in search of response. I'll keep you posted on what happens here. And do let me know if there's anything you'd like me to write about, I'm always looking for suggestions!
(c)2011 Laura S. Packer