I'm anxious about seeing so many people at once. I don't do well in crowds these days (frankly, I never did).
I'm anxious about the symbolism of these events and how they will impact my mood as well as his kids' moods.
I'm anxious about remembering to be kind when I am in such a state.
I'm anxious.
To allay that anxiety I thought it might be helpful if I put together a few thoughts about what helps and what doesn't. This is a highly personal list, I'd love to hear your thoughts. What really helped? What was such a mistake that you had to try not to laugh? I'm so early in this journey that I barely know my name, let alone the answers to most questions. This post was triggered by this article in the Grief Toolbox about the best and worst things to say to the grieving. I've already heard a bunch of these comments and no, heaven didn't need another angel.
And please note, none of this is written in stone. Grief is a constantly shifting landscape. I would far rather you talk with me and make a mistake out of loving concern than not interact with me. If you're afraid that you've already done some of these things, please don't worry about it. I know you were doing the best you could and I appreciate every sincere effort. I still love you.
It helps when you ask me how I am and are genuinely wondering.
It doesn't help when you ask me how I am and then immediately backpedal or launch into how you think I am.
It helps when you are patient as I formulate an answer. I often find talking difficult these days. Equally, I often don't really know how I am.
It doesn't help if you try to fill in the blanks while I'm thinking. I am slower than I used to be and it takes me some time.
It helps if you notice when I'm relatively cheerful or making a joke. Sure, it might be dark humor, but it's humor.
It doesn't help if you get all teary when I try to be upbeat and tell me how strong I am. I don't feel strong. I am just teetering towards managing and wanted to share it with you. Additionally, I am struggling enough with feelings of guilt whenever I feel okay.
It helps if you ask me questions, talk with me about Kevin and respect my need to sometimes abruptly change the topic.
It doesn't help if you avoid talking about Kevin, death, grief, etc because you don't want to upset me. I'm already upset. Pretending these things didn't happen makes me fear he will disappear.
It helps if you let me cry. Sometimes that might be scary, I cry big these days. Get me a cool cloth or some water if you want. It also helps if you let me not cry. Sometimes I just don't want to, so I work to control it.
It doesn't help if you tell me not to cry. This stuff has to come out. I think grief is composed largely of snot and tears. Maybe it's ectoplasm. Who knows. I produce a lot of it.
It helps if you let me grieve in my own way. I don't know how long this will take, I don't know how strange I might become.
It doesn't help if you tell me how I am supposed to grieve. Suggestions are welcome, but may not be helpful.
It helps if you take a moment before hugging me to assess if I want to be touched. Try putting a hand on my shoulder first. I miss touch terribly, but it's Kevin's touch I really miss. And let go when I start to pull away.
It doesn't help if you grab me without thinking.
It helps if you let me know you miss Kevin, too.
It doesn't help if you expect me to comfort you - I'm having enough trouble holding it together - or if you compare your grief to mine. Each grief is different.
There are plenty more I could add, but I won't. Read the post in The Grief Toolbox. I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments, your own helps and doesn't helps. And please forgive me if I'm short-tempered, get distracted or say the wrong thing, just as I will do my best to forgive you. We are all doing the best we can.
(c)2014 Laura S. Packer