Tuesday, January 18, 2022


Somewhere in the late hours of January 18, 2014, or the early ones of January 19, Kevin Michael Brooks was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the emergency room of KU Med. He would die 69 days later, surrounded by some of the people he loved most in the world.

There are before and after moments in everyone's life, usually not realized in the moment, but this one was loud and clear. 

It's been long enough now that today is mostly a day like the ones before and after (though that carries pain of its own) with spikes of grief and gasping sorrow. The grief, truthfully, is my companion through the year but some days it's sharper than others, today being one of them.

If you were to have told me when I first met him, that loving Kevin would lead to this, I still would have said yes. I still do. Grief is the price of love and I pay willingly.

Tell the people you love that you love them.

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(c)2019 Laura S. Packer Creative Commons License
True Stories, Honest Lies by Laura S. Packer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at www.truestorieshonestlies.blogspot.com.
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