I’ve decided to try to blog everyday for the month of December. Really what I’ve decided is to blog and write more frequently, but sometimes setting a BIG but specific goal seems more achievable than a smaller, less specific dream.
Alright, it’s not really a month of Sundays, but it will be a lot of writing and discipline. I’ll need our help.
Here is what I hope to accomplish from this experience:
- Better writing habits
- More engaged readers (you)
To help me do this I’ve come up with an editorial calendar. Not to give too much away (hey, I need to keep some things surprises, right?) in general I plan to do the following:
- Thursdays: Some kind of observational essay, like much of this blog already is. Today is an exception, since I'm using today to state my blogging intent.
- Fridays: Fiction.
- Saturdays: Something from someone else (a poem, an image, links, etc) because there are lots of interesting people in the world.
- Sundays: some kind of creativity or writing prompt.
- Monday: something to lighten the load of a new week.
- Tuesdays: A piece of creativity, something inspirational and a contest.
- Wednesdays” the observed world. An overheard comment, a photo, a description of something I’ve seen.
I’d really love to have your feedback - this is the help I was talking about. Please let me know what you think of any of these posts. If I say something that inspires you or makes you think, please let me know! Part of the appeal of blogging is to interact with the world. I’d love to know what you’re thinking.
As if all this weren’t enough, I’m also going to be blogging more regularly on my cooking blog and my organizational storytelling blog. Check those out later this week for more information.
Thanks for the support. I hope I write something interesting or useful for you!
© 2011 Laura S. Packer

I look forward to the stories!