What I miss.
- I miss being someone who didn't know what it is to grieve deeply.
- I miss being someone who didn't have to learn how to navigate the medical system.
- I miss the belief that there is time in front of me.
- I miss laughing until I can't stand up.
- I miss the inside jokes. I have new inside jokes, but not the old ones.
- I miss being sharp and witty - my mind isn't as quick since he died, I think I used it up when navigating the medical system.
- I miss looking forward to how much he loved Christmas.
- I miss believing in Santa, or at least believing in Christmas magic.
- I miss the future we didn't get to have, the adventures and arguments, the decisions and delights.
- I miss being someone who tried to be empathetic to people who had suffered great losses, but didn't know how. I miss being someone who said some stupid though well-intentioned things about grief. I miss not knowing.
- I miss the 30 years we didn't get have.
- I miss who I might have become in that time.
Loss is an evolving thing, I keep finding new pieces of it and making new discoveries about its reach. I miss not knowing this at all.
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(c)2019 Laura S. Packer