Last week I went to storytelling with Brother Blue and Ruth Hill. I've written about them before; they are Bodhisattvas of compassion, listening and storytelling. Sometimes when I'm at their storytelling venue I write down some of what Blue has to say. I'm lucky, I get to hear it every week, but this means I get used to it. By writing it down it becomes special again, I can hear him again.
Here is what he some of what he said, almost verbatim, as much as I could capture longhand while he spoke.
Every time I tell a story I try to do something of such a nature that those who hear it will be changed forever.
If you really mean business, you will tell stories in the dark as if all humanity is listening.
Do it into what you think is the dark - the angels are there.
In case I die tonight, what did I leave with you? What did I try to do? I tried to give you the essence of storytelling.
Give it all as if you're about to fall. It's a noble way to get your last shout out.
(c) 2008 Laura S. Packer

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