We are so connected that it's easy to forget how lovely it can be to not think about everything at once. I know I often forget that really, I don't need to check email every 30 minutes. That the world will not end if I don't know what CNN has to say. That Twitter, as much as I love it, will get along just fine without me.
For the last few days I did only one thing at a time. I was a singular entity.
If I was eating, I ate. I felt the textures of my food and took the time to taste each bite. I didn't have a book open or the tv on while I consumed my meal thoughtlessly.
When I wrote I was thinking only about the structure of each sentence, the way the paragraphs connected. There was no music, no wondering when I would get to the dishes. I was only mind and fingers on keys.
When I walked felt my muscles pull and lungs expand. I was in the world, of the world.
I was singular, not struggling to do multiple things at once. How lovely.
It's easy to forget that we evolved to do one thing at a time most of the time. Red Riding Hood got into trouble when she did too much at once. But Jack saved his family by doing one thing at a time.
Be Jack. Be a trickster who knows when hide, knows when to run, knows when to chop. And does each thing for itself, very well.
(c)2010 Laura S. Packer

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