This year, as in other years, on my birthday I'm writing a list of things I am grateful for, one for each year of my life. This year I was moved towards a simpler list, though I think it is no less meaningful; this may be in part because I didn't want to repeat myself too much as those previous lists are still quite valid. In any case, I hope some of these resonate with you.
Thank you world.
- Love. The opportunity to love and be loved.
- And like! Distinct and important.
- And dislike too - the chance to be an adult and work it through.
- Mistakes. The chance to try again.
- Taking the last walk with Brother Blue.
- The sound of wind in trees.
- The scent of the ocean.
- The taste and comfort of Red Label tea with milk and honey.
- The feel of my lover's skin.
- Hugging and being hugged.
- The myriad shapes of clouds.
- Writing.
- Reading.
- Music.
- Especially the Beatles.
- The occasional wisdom to take the next breath.
- Kind strangers.
- Overheard conversations.
- Trees. And other plants, fungi, lichens. The slow, growing things of the world.
- Animals. Mammals, fish, insects, all living things. Even mosquitoes who have their place in the world.
- Good cries.
- Well-told stories. Both hearing and telling.
- Museums and the arts in general.
- Being heard.
- Wild acts of hope and guerrilla art.
- Wild places that I will never see.
- Languages I will never know.
- Laughing until I can't breath.
- The opportunity to help others.
- Working at a problem until I solve it.
- Or until I ask for help.
- Forgiveness.
- Creativity and creation.
- Trying and failing and trying again.
- Work. Financial security.
- Completing things.
- My home.
- Playing. Kites. Toys.
- Cooking.
- Naps.
- The sound of my own breath - at night, underwater through SCUBA, in this moment.
- My body.
- Life. I am so grateful for this life.
And one for the years to come - I am grateful for you, for the connections I have in this world. Thank you.
Oh, and yes, the little girl at the top of this post is me. I don't know, have I changed that much?
(c)2010 Laura S. Packer

Well, hey and happy birthday to you! Came here by way of storyspace and since I landed here today of all days I just had to say hello. Hope you had a wonderful day. Enjoyed my first massmouth event at Johnny D's last night, so I was looking around at what else Boston had to offer. Perhaps I will see you when you are featured at StorySpace.
ReplyDeleteMany happy returns to you!
I read THIS post today and just LOVE, LIKE (no dislike, tho I like that you are grateful for dislikes) and ADMIRE you. I also HURT with you. NO WHERE to the level of what you must be feeling but it is just so sad that hulk of genie won't rise up out of a magical vase and be with us again. Keep talking TO him. I certainly plan to. I feel like he KNOWS - or is learning - cool stuff now that maybe he'll share. Though I have to admit being fully delighted with all he shared. Grateful simply to have crossed his path. I can't imagine how hard it is right now. Cry, Laugh. Rage. Call night or day and I'll do it with you anytime. xoxoxo