This list of links is entirely subjective - it's a set of resources I find useful and return to. It's by no means comprehensive. I urge you to explore the link lists with these sites and find more - post your discoveries here!
- massmouth is the Massachusetts storytelling advocacy organization.
- The League for the Advancement of New England Storytelling (LANES) is the New England Regional Storytelling organization.
- The National Storytelling Network (NSN) is the US storytelling organization. You can find contact information for all 50 states here.
- The National Association of Black Storytellers hosts a wonderful annual conference.
- Golden Fleece is devoted to storytellign in organizations.
- The International Storytelling Center hosts residencies and puts on the National Storytelling Festival.
- Sur la Lune - a lovely site with detailed analysis of some familiar (and less familiar) fairy tales. Also links to a store with merchandise for folktale nerds like me.
- Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts - A fairly academic and thorough listing of hundreds of story texts.
- The Internet Sacred Text Archive includes myths and legends from around the world.
- Tim Sheppard's storytelling resources for storytellers. A wonderful and comprehensive resource including an essential FAQ
- Elizabeth Figa teaches storytelling at the University of Texas and maintains a very nice set of storytelling resources.
- Eric Wolf hosts a wonderful storytelling pocast.
- Sean Buvala maintains full of resources and an online storyteller directory.
(c)2010 Laura S. Packer

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