I wanted to take a moment today and do two things for International Women’s Day.
First, as a storyteller I think we become better tellers and listeners when we tell and hear stories of all people, regardless of gender, age or nationality. Here are some of my favorite traditional stories that feature strong women and girls, the ones I can quickly recall off the top of my head. I hope you tell these stories.
- Tatterhood
- Vasilisa the Beautiful
- Baba Yaga
- Clever Manka
- The old women on the road
- Janet
- Scheherzade and her sister, Dinazade
There are so many others. Tatterhood and Other Tales
is a good place to start.
Second, I’d like to recognize some of the amazing women in my life, those who have inspired and helped me, set examples for me and set a high bar for my vision. I’m absolutely certain I will omit women who belong here from this list. Please don’t feel slighted if I've forgotten to list you. I am blessed with many amazing women in my life.
My friends, among them Amy, Mary, Christie, Stacy, Serene, Joy, Elsa and many others. Thank you for your kind hearts and good ears. I would be devastated without you.
My storytelling comrades, among them Norah, Andrea, Doria, Elizabeth, Fran, Regi , Marni and so many others. Keep telling, we need your voices.
Those whom I have never met, but inspire me. Sojourner Truth. Mary Oliver. Jeanette Winterson. And many others.
We are stronger when we lean on one another and do so with gratitude. Thank you all.
(c)2011 Laura S. Packer

Our dear mother-in-spirit Ruth. You! Judy Suberi. Enheduanna. Pandora. Marija Gimbutas. Judith, Bai She (Madame White Snake), Lala, Mirabai, Auntie Mame, Rhonda Britten, Jean Houston, Julia Chang Bloch, Julian May, Ender's Jane, Jane Goodall, Stine Bosse, Natalie Portman, cousin Alysia, my nieces Keli, Taylor, Alyssa, Maddy, Peyton and all my sisters everywhere.