Monday, March 12, 2012

Story quote of the week: On the river

The Mole was bewitched, entranced, fascinated. By the side of the river he trotted as one trots, when very small, by the side of a man who holds one spellbound by exciting stories; and when tired at last, he sat on the bank, while the river still chattered on to him, a babbling procession of the best stories in the world, sent from the heart of the earth to be told at last to the insatiable sea.
― Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows
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1 comment:

  1. The Wind in the Willows continues to be my favorite of all my childhood reads.

    "A babbling procession of the best stories in the world, sent from the heart of the earth to be told at last to the insatiable sea." So me, so very much heartfelt in the heart. (Hugs)Indigo


True Stories, Honest Lies by Laura S. Packer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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