Day 1: hopes, dreams, and plans for the next 365 days with a picture of yourself
I spend a lot of time thinking about this. I hope 2014 will be a happy, healthy, prosperous year. I hope I perform regularly and well, teach effectively, consult with organizations and have a positive impact. I hope all of my loved ones know they are loved and have wonderful years.
Day 2: something that’s illegal but you think it should be legal
Day 3: what you think your reason for being here is
To listen to the world. To translate. To bring a little whimsy when it's needed and kindness all the time.
Day 4: how you think your life would change if you achieved your dream
I am achieving my dreams! I think it will be much the same, with new dreams. I like my life.
Day 5: something you would change about the world
Kindness first.
Day 6: something you would like to change about yourself
I'd be more fit, more able to get fit.
Day 7: a show or a movie that has changed you, and how
Bliss. You'll either love it or hate it. About surviving and thriving in hell.
(c)2014 Laura S. Packer

Yay! I'm glad you're doing this! It'll be fun