I cry with pain and gratitude each time. I hate that we need this, but am so grateful it is here. Help helps.
One of the most challenging parts of this adventure for both of us is that we need more help than ever before. Whether it's help around the house, getting places or something else, we both have a greater need than we have had since we were tiny children.
Some friends recognized this need and have put together a fund raising page for us. They asked our permission and launched a youcaring site, so we can raise money to pursue treatment for Kevin that isn't covered by insurance (nothing too far fetched, but things like vitamin C infusions, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, massage, etc). They wanted to ensure that money wouldn't be a barrier to his care, to his kids visiting or to my health through this journey.
It was very hard, saying yes to this, until they reminded us that there are so many people who love us and so many people who want to help, this gives everyone a way to contribute directly to helping Kevin.
If you'd like to donate we would be humbled and grateful. If you don't want to donate, that's okay too. If you can help spread the word please do. Efforts like this rely on letting people know they have a chance to help.
Here is the link. Anything you donate will be used to help him. I promise, no sneaky luxury trips to the Azores or donations to dubious causes.
Thanks. We love you all.
(c)2014 Laura S. Packer

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