We each have it. That thing (or things) that help us beyond all reasonable measure. For me (and millions other around the world) that thing is tea. In my case the specific tea is hot, milky black tea with honey. It is the start of each day and what I turn to when I need inspiration, comfort, and a pause in the chaos of the day or my mind.
My mother used to make my tea for me. When I was little I think she put milk in because I was a child and she thought it would be easier for me to drink, but the milk stuck. I sometimes feel a little juvenile about my tea, but I like to remind myself that empires have risen and fallen, revolutions been declared, great works of art created, all on tea, much of it with milk and sugar.
My first few sips of tea each day help me balance and ease into the world. I am so grateful for it.
What offers you simple, necessary comfort and ritual?
(c)2017 Laura S. Packer

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