Webster's Dictionary defines wonder as:
- a cause of astonishment or admiration
- a miracle
- the quality of exciting amazed admiration
- rapt attention or astonishment at something awesomely mysterious or new to one's experience
- a feeling of doubt or uncertainty
- to be in a state of wonder
- to feel surprise
Wonder is one of my favorite feelings. That sense of amazement and mystery when you experience something wondrous is something I search out on a regular basis. I love knowing that the world, the universe, even my own backyard, that each of these are full of wonders. I strive to increase my capacity for wonder. I don't want to become jaded, someone who no longer notices the small and the large.
Wonder is part of how I define myself. I am a teller of wonder tales, new and old. I speculate, I wonder, about all kinds of things. I keep my imagination supple with a steady diet of wonders commonplace and unknowable. I try to admire the wonders around me, whether it's a friend telling me of their life, the chipmunk's paw on my hand, or the staggering beauty of autumn change. I even try to welcome uncertainty, because it is in those moments of questioning that I am more likely to grow and learn.
Wonder is a basic part of who I am. I'm not suggesting that I am any more imaginative or prone to speculation than anyone else, but I do exercise that part of myself on a regular basis. I know it is one of the things that is essential to my wellbeing. It is certainly not my only basic state, but it is one of my very favorites.
I wonder, what are your basic states? Wonder? Joy? Anger? Hope? I'd love to know.
This is what 50 looks like. Trying to wonder at the world like a five year old.
(c)2017 Laura S. Packer

Wonderful post.