Thursday, July 6, 2023

Musing 6 July or oh deer!

I have always been someone who observes things closely, sometimes to the point where I lose the whole in favor of details. I can describe a tree by its bark or leaves but might not know how tall it is. This (like everything) a blessing and a curse, feeding both art and anxiety, but sometimes I am able to see more of the whole and the detail at the same time. Yesterday the universe invited me to see detail at a distance.

Seeing neighbors like these fawns (there were two though the best photo was of one) encourages me to look closely and at the entirety. I will never get close enough to know the details of how soft their fur may be, and how sturdy their hooves, but I can see their beauty amidst all of the green.

Yesterday we watched the fawns exploring. One of them was fascinated by a rabbit grazing outside of our asparagus patch. The fawn watched, took a few hesitant steps closer and bent down to sniff, then galloped away when the rabbit raised its ears and sniffed back. The other got the zoomies and ran all over the yard, kicking its legs up high. When fawns run they seem to stamp the ground, without the grace they soon will grow into. Both always knew where their mother was. All three knew we were watching and, after a time, decided we were ignorable.

All of sudden the doe raced across the yard to something we (momentarily) couldn't see. Then the buck went crashing through the undergrowth with mom right behind, her neck extended to nip if she could. When he was far enough away, she sauntered back, tail flicking as if nothing had just happened.

Today seven bucks wandered into the field next door, some with full racks and others with nubs. The fawns approached them and ran away, approached and ran away while the mother didn't seem too worried. She was only concerned when I was on the porch taking pictures. I don't know why yesterday a buck was a threat but today they were family.

All of this was lovely, humbling, complete. 

When I am too caught in myself, in my own detail, nature can pull me out. That moment of awe, of delight, reminds me that I am part of a vast web of life. If I look, I may see wonder, and the worry about the details fades away.


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(c)2023 Laura S. Packer Creative Commons License

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