As before, these are large images so you may want to double-click on them to see them in a larger size.
As we drove along we passed this farm. Note the lovely fireweed in the front and the old bus. |
The farm had reindeer (who were camera shy) and this very friendly buffalo. He followed us as we walked along the fence. |
Views from the farm. |
The Alaska Range. Looking the other way from the farm. |
I loved the light on this ridge. |
As we were admiring the buffalo, mountains and reindeer, we heard a peculiar cry overhead. Sandhill cranes migrating. It's worth double clicking on this one and looking at the birds close up. They are lovely. |
From the farm we came to this river overlook. If you look carefully you'll find my heart of the day from Kevin. |
Wisdom from philosophical graffiti. |
Note the Alaska range in the distance. |
A different river. The river bed is utterly clogged with glacial silt. |
Close up of the silt. |
An eagle being harried by a crow. |
As we continued our drive Denali (Mt. McKinley) came into view. We were about 160 miles away. It's a BIG mountain. |
I liked all the contrasts here. Mountains, traffic, Target. We were in Wasilla, home to a certain Alaska politician. The photo is dark because it was taken through the car windshield. |
From there we went to Independence Mine and then this state park. I don't remember the name. Note the teeny tiny people on top of the ridge. |
The biome in these mountains are alpine tundra. I fell in love with the foliage.
Each of these plants was TINY. Such beauty in miniature in the midst of overwhelming grandeur.
These mushroom caps were the size of a third of dime. |
This is reindeer moss. |
It was a good trip and this last day was stunning. I am grateful.

Absolutely beautiful