I've been struggling with my vision of myself as a creative being lately. There have been a multitude of external pressures that I've used as an excuse to not write/not tell/not create and I'm getting annoyed. I'm sure this is a recognizable lament for some of you while others are rolling your eyes and have no sympathy.
In an effort to get off my creative butt (boy, that's an image we don't need to explore) I'md giving myself the challenge of a blog post a day for the month of September. This, obviously, is the start. I've registered at NaBloPoMo though I'm not yet sure how much of a difference this will make. I decided to undertake this challenge a) because NaNoWriMo has really worked for me in the past - I've written two 50,000+ word novels as a result - and b) my friends Elsa and Anna said if I blogged daily for a month they would too. You can find Elsa' blog here and Anna's is here.
To make this an achievable goal I've set up a schedule where I'll post on a different topic for each day of the week. Some topics will require more thought than others, so I will theoretically have lighter writing days and heavier. Tuesdays, today, are for the longer kinds of essays I have typically written here on this blog. You'll have to come back tomorrow to find out what Wednesdays are for.
I really miss writing regularly, I miss having a writing practice. I miss feeling like a creative person, it's as though part of me has been in hibernation while I've been working/taking care of others (not taking care of myself)/doing everything but what I say I love. I'm hoping this will help. If you get interested in this project and want to encourage me I'd welcome comments and cheers. Regardless, I'm looking forward to seeing what this month will bring.
(c) 2009 Laura S. Packer

Your bravery cheers me on. I, too, am creatively restless, or uncreatively restless. Where is the joy in the old practices? The daily poetry writing, drumming, guitar, sewing, working on stories? Whatever fills me I have hidden away so that I might be empty. Waiting.