- "We're all interchangeable pawns." Overheard in the corridors of a tech company.
- Bartender 1: That's white of him.
Bartender 2: What did you day?
Bartender 1: I said, that's white of him.
Bartender 1, laughing: You gotta love the South.
Over heard in a bar in North Carolina. I was initially stunned then cringed at the stereotype. - Overheard, while walking across street, "No death for us!" My first thought: ever? How boring!
- Earlier this week I had the pleasure of spreading a conversational meme. I was talking with an acquaintance about the relative merits of twitter and facebook. Within a few minutes I heard one conversation near me about facebook, then another about twitter. I guess I'm not the only one who eavesdrops...
(c) 2009 Laura S. Packer

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