My goodness, September has been an adventure; I managed to keep my commitment to blog daily throughout this month. It's been a roller coaster; some days I was eager to write, others I thought this was the dumbest idea I've ever had. I managed to do this with only a few temper tantrums and generally without spilling too much paint. Or verbage. I think.
Things I've enjoyed about blogging daily:
- The process. Thinking about writing feels great. And moving through world thinking, "I could blog that!" is pretty cool
- I've gotten to meet people I never would have otherwise
- My writing habit feels much more ingrained, which was the whole point of this exercise
- I had to stretch to find something to say some days. This is good, it made me think and explore
- It's forced me to look at the world with new eyes, finding new things to say, hoping I'm not repeating myself too much
- It's also helped me think more clearly about different kinds of creativity. I've always written, but I need to remember to feed myself creatively in many ways; writing about it has helped me remember how important it is.
- It's helped me clarify some of the things I care enough about to want to write about, rather than just rambling for the heck of it.
Things I've not enjoyed about blogging daily:
- My god, I am just not that interesting. Since the start of third week I've been struggling to find things to say, I've not wanted to talk about myself or navel gaze anymore.
I'd be really interested in any thoughts you'd like to share about this past month. Please post them in the comments so I can share them with everyone.
Blogging is a communal experience. I find this kind of writing compelling because it's as close to storytelling, or audience-based writing, as I have yet come. It helps me write more and write better if I know the audience is more immediate than, say, when I'm working on a piece that may only merit a rejection letter or, worse, writing in my journal.
I'm no longer going to post daily (as I said, I'm tired of listening to myself) but I am going to try to post at least once a week on cookpot stories and three time a week here. I'm considering this structure, though it's open to debate:
- Wednesday: Storying the world. Observations on living the life of a storyteller, how stories shape us, meaningful stories, etc.
- Friday: A ramble, observations, thoughts about something I care about, etc.
- Monday: Living the big life. Creativity challenges, guerilla kindness, etc.
What do you think? I'd be really interested in your thoughts.
I hope you have found something of value in this month of posts. I hope you look at the world a little differently now, take more joy in the overheard, stretch yourselves creatively just a little bit more. Thank you for listening to me and participating in this experiment. I hope you keep creating and living with joy. And yes, the little girl in the picture is me. I never was good at painting within the lines.
(c) 2009 Laura S. Packer

Hi Laura, It has been fun following your daily blog. Kudos for keeping your commitment to yourself, especially when it was difficult. I am glad it opened your creative side. Care to paint with me?